Sharing things
Sharing things
Richenda and Amalie: New skills, impostor syndrome and sudden departures
Season three embraces the uncertainty and unpredictability of 2020 by playing fast and loose with the Sharing things format. In our opening episode we bid a fond farewell to 2020 politics graduate Amalie, our first and now former host, and say a big hello to our new host and conversational guide, Richenda. Join our hosting duo as they talk about new skills, impostor syndrome and sudden departures.
Richenda is a final-year medical student and your Sharing things host for season three. She's interested in health economics and global health priority setting and is a student researcher with the Global Health Governance Programme.
She took a step out of her comfort zone and joined Edinburgh University Shinty Club as a complete beginner in her third year at university and is now its President.
Amalie hosted and produced the first two seasons of Sharing things. Whether through her contributions to university radio or as a facilitator for student council, she's always been curious about people and their lives.
Having graduated with a degree in politics this summer, we invited her back to kick off season three and finally reveal what her own special object is.
Each episode of Sharing things is a conversation between two members of our university community. It could be a student, a member of staff or a graduate, the only thing they have in common at the beginning is Edinburgh. We start with an object. A special, treasured or significant item that we have asked each guest to bring to the conversation. What happens next is sometimes funny, sometimes moving and always unexpected.
Find out more at www.ed.ac.uk/sharing-things-podcast
Hey, and welcome to a special episode of Sharing things. That's the last time I'll be able to say that, which is both exciting and sad at the same time. I'm Amalie, a 2020 graduate, aka Class of Corona, and the host of the last two seasons of the podcast. In this episode, I get to say goodbye to Edinburgh by sharing my own object, and you get to meet Richenda, a final-year medical student and your new host and conversational guide. This episode is also the first that we have recorded remotely as I'm back in Norway, which is pretty socially distant at the moment. It's been a real pleasure to be a part of Sharing things and to talk to members of the University community. Recording this made me feel closer, and I hope that it does the same for you. Welcome to Sharing things.
Richenda :Thank you.
Amalie :This is a special episode because there isn't a third guest. And the only guests I guess, are two hosts: one ex-host, me, and you, the the current host. And we're just having a little Sharing things chat amongst ourselves. So in classic Sharing things style, even though obviously it's a-- it's a-- it's a quite a-- it's quite a different situation. Because we're not in-- we're not together right now. We are-- I'm seeing you on my screen, which is a sign of the times, we'll just start with our objects because we both brought objects to the conversaton.
Richenda :Which is weird to choose it.
Amalie :Right? Because we're usually the question askers.
Richenda :Yeah, and that's more comfortable, I think as well.
Amalie :Yeah. You can just kind of deflect, you can deflect the questions onto other people. Um, but today is different. So what did you bring?
Richenda :It's like the worst thing to have brought along to something where you can only see this tiny screen. It's my shinty stick, which is I'm gonna sort of put it into view, it's this.
Amalie :Oh, wow. That is, that is big, definitely does not fit in the screen.
Richenda :Yeah. So it shouldn't stick. And it's because I play shinty for the uni shinty team. And I don't know if you know shinty because it's not the most.
Amalie :No.
Richenda :Yeah, so I think when people don't know it, I normally explain it as like Scottish hockey, kind of, so you can use both sides of the stick.
Amalie :Ooh.
Richenda :And it's like, full contact sport. So you know, in hockey, you can do certain things like raise your stick up too high and stuff. That's all all fine and all Okay, in shinty, and your helmet because you want to keep your teeth. And yeah, the the ball flies all about the place and it's great fun. And it's very much a fast sport. And it's just it's probably the most fun sport I've ever come across as somebody who isn't very sporty. And yeah, like it's a very interesting sport, because not many people know about it. But I think once they do, people tend to fall very much in love with it. And it's very much a sort of traditional and cultural thing as well. So I'm not from the Highlands, but lots of people who play it on the team are. It's just very interesting hearing them talk about it and having been raised raised with it, and how just excellent as players they are.
Amalie :So have you played for a long time?
Richenda :So it's actually part of the reason I chose this as my object. So I was thinking like, what object is important to me, and I'm not a very objecty person. So I was like, I could bring like earrings or something. Like my favourite pair of earrings along. I was like that doesn't really say much. So I brought this because like, I haven't played for that long. I played at the start of third year of uni. So I'm going into my, my sixth year, because medicine - i'm a medical student - is six years long. And yeah, I just decided I'd wanted to-- I played hockey at school, not very well. And but I was like, I kind of want you to do a sport you need and I was too scared in first and second year. And then in third year, I was just like, you know what, just Just do it. And I was doing a slightly different degree for a year. 'Cause you can do that in the middle. And it was um yeah Global health policy so it was less contact hours than I was used to. So I was like, cool. I need to I need to do something. And I found out there was a shinty team here. And I was like, I've really wanted to try that for a while. So I think it kind of represents pushing myself onto something that I wouldn't have usually done at all. I think I would. I guess before and like especially in my team's been it's been maybe a bit shy or to push myself to do that.
Amalie :What is what is it about shinty that drew you in in the first place? Because like you kind of you started. You started playing the sport quite late, but you obviously knew about it. And because it is not a-- is it? Is it a popular sport?
Richenda :I think it is up north and stuff. But I'm down here not so much. But it's growing, which is nice. I think I'm sort of drawn into it just because yeah, like I'd known about it. I'd never really thought there was ever an opportunity to play it just because I'm from Central belt, which isn't really a place where it's played very often. And then I actually didn't have a clue that there was a uni team at all until my third year. Then I found out and I was like you know what, just just go and do it. And finally, you've to try things and I think I was a bit impressed with myself, that I did try it and then did sort of threw myself in. And I think it helps that the people that I play with it's very much a bit of a family, which I think I'd struggled to find in Edinburgh until then. People talk about impostor syndrome. I think I learnt about that phrase, and I was like, Oh, that's what it is.
Amalie :I can definitely relate to the impostor syndrome and in throwing yourself into something that you have always wanted to do maybe or that you've been too scared to do and also finding a community within that thing that you were scared to do, but then you finally did. So, the the shinty stick is like, like one object that you have kind of an emotional attachment to?
Richenda :Yeah, definitely. I think that's thing. That's why-- 'cause I looked around. I was like, What do I actually have that I think I care about enough to, to lose, I think they're just very beautiful objects as well. The grip here, it was given to me by one of my friends on the team, who was about to go on the year abroad. And I think it's really nice, because I'd, I've said, for ages, I was like, my favourite colour is light blue. And then she found this, she found this light blue group, and she gave it to me just for she went, I think that meant a lot. And also because yeah, they get sort of represents pushing myself on to do something, I still don't think I'm a very good, good player. And I think that's definitely something I need to work on. And especially I think a lot of that stems from the fact that even now, yeah, I don't see myself as a very sporty person. On paper, I probably qualify as a sporty person whereas just now I like the outdoors. Maybe it's just that I like to run about a fields, kind of like a Labrador. And maybe that's what it is. But yeah, I still don't really consider myself that way, I guess, sort of branching off, and that, I think that makes me more keen on making stuff like that more accessible to people. Because I think that puts a lot of people off. It's like, well, I don't belong there. Like I don't fit the preconceptions of what a person on a sports team should be. And yeah, I guess before-- Yeah, see, if you'd asked me in second year of uni, I'd be like, No, of course, I'm not gonna be on a sports team.
Amalie :President of one, you're doing great. Maybe people find I like maybe maybe people can find inspiration from that the fact that you are not, you don't categorise yourself as a sporty person, but like you still are the President and high up in a sport society. So people can be like, oh, like, yeah, making-- like sport is accessible.
Richenda :Yeah, I guess that's kind of like, you know, the stuff about representation. And like even then say politics or the media and just having different people from different backgrounds and different labels attached to them. It just means that you can see yourself there and you're like, Oh, cool. Like I could, like go into that if I want you to, like be a politician or an actress or whatever.
Amalie :Yeah, representation is, is so important. I feel like representation has obviously this is not the same thing at all, or it has to do with representation. But in general, I feel like for the past, like three years representation has been key to getting me through my whole, like, sexuality, identity crisis, like, I feel like I, it's so important to see people that you can identify with, to realise that you can be-- you are valid, and that your experiences are also valid. I feel like yeah, it's just so important to to see people who look like you who, who have gone through the same things as you and to see them happy. And--
Richenda :And do you do that on purpose? Or is it just like a thing that happens to go that way that you always have somebody? So like, representing yourself - do you do out to look for that?
Amalie :Yeah, definitely. But also, I think, at this point, it kind of falls into my lap automatically as well. Because I'm so because like, you know, how the algorithms give you what you want, tailor whatever they recommend to you to, to what you've watched before, or to what you've seen before, who you follow and whatever. So I feel like my Instagram explorer, my Netflix page, my like, all of these, all of these, like social media platforms that recommend things to you. They always just giving me basically what I want, which is nice. That's been a huge thing that I've been doing in quarantine. In addition to knitting. I have started a book club with some friends.
Richenda :Oh nice, yeah.
Amalie :Although I'm so behind. I have like 200 pages to read by tomorrow, and just binge watching different shows. Yeah, I don't know. It's Yeah.
Richenda :Why did you start the club was that because that you all read a lot anyways?
Amalie :Yeah. I think I used to read a lot. I was such an avid reader when I was younger. I went through all the YA bookshelves in the bookstore. And I read, like I read a lot but then once I started uni, just the uni readings on, like they were a lot on their own, so I just really haven't read for many years. So it's been nice to get back into that. So I guess that yes, quarantine has been a time to just get back into things that or to teach yourself new things because it is, as much as it is weird and difficult time. It is also a time to kind of take a breather and a break, I guess from your normal, pretty stressful, stressful day. So I have also been trying to teach myself how to skateboard, although that's not going very well.
Richenda :Why did you decide to do that one?
Amalie :Um, I've always wanted to, but then I am a little scared of things that can physically hurt me, which makes sense, but, um, but I've always really loved skiing. And I have always so therefore, I feel like I feel like there's a certain package that that includes like skiing, surfing and skateboarding. So I'm always wanted to learn the other two. But skateboarding is on the hard ground. Like if you fall you you're gonna break some things.
Richenda :Yeah.
Amalie :I like go out out there with my like, my pads and my, my helmet and...
Richenda :And the ground can't touch you. No, I think I'm the same it's like, I got a bike for the first time since I was probably living at home. But yeah last summer I got a bike, like a road bike, I quite like going on longer cycle trips and stuff. But even just cycling around the city, I feel like I'm on my bike a little bit like Please don't hurt me. I don't want to fall off this but pushing yourself, even though you're scared of something it makes you feel? Would you say the same thing a bit? Do you feel more successful? Having taken up skateboarding? Because you were scared of it?
Amalie :Um, yes, only I have not gotten very far in my journey toward learning it. Like my I still don't really know anything. So I think that I would have been happier if I actually, you know, got any good. But...
Richenda :Yeah, how does that feel? Being at the start of a learning journey? You know, the same with learning new language or? Yeah, so obviously my shiny stick when I first started to learn that I find it a bit infuriating learning a new skill, because I feel that there's that learning curve, like you first started and you're like, Oh, it's really, really hard to do. And then suddenly, you can get quite a bit better just because all those skills combined. How does that feel to be at that point?
Amalie :Um, I think, I think it's, it's weird, and, and a little unfamiliar, because I feel like, I'm at an age-- Obviously, I'm still young, where they're-- where you don't really experience learning new skills from scratch. At this point, we, we do the things that we know, and we might, you know, improve us improve on some skills, but we don't really learn a lot of things, like from ground zero. So I think that is, so I think I feel a bit weird about it, because it is something that I don't know at all. And, and I'm not used to not knowing.
Richenda :I think there's skill to learning as well, they there's people who are really good at learning, say multiple languages or like a new-- yeah, like you know. And like that probably has given you a good starting point for lots of other things.
Amalie :Yeah. Are you good at learning? Do you think like, learning new things?
Richenda :I don't know, I think-- I think mainly is that my perspective on myself maybe affects that answer. I think I do a lot of questioning myself as I learned something.
Amalie :Right.
Richenda :Which in some way I think that could be beneficial. Maybe to reflect on yourself a lot. And I think that's definitely a thing but I think I'd be more positive in my reflection rather than critical but I think it also yeah, that pushes me to be better.
Amalie :Yeah. What is something that you have always wanted to learn but been too scared to try?
Richenda :My goodness? That's a good question. Um, probably stand up paddleboarding.
Amalie :Oh, neat.
Richenda :I think I just I've always seen it and being like that look, it looks really relaxed, but it looks really challenging. Like I like that combination of the two but then I don't know where I'd learn that or how I'd learn that and I think because you are an open water it's a bit a bit scarier as an idea, but one of these days I swear I'll do it. Yeah, but it may just be 20 years from now. I also know for a fact that I will try yes um, but I think that's nice to know that there's things you know that you'll definitely do like I know that I'll definitely at some point say visit New York because it looks like a really cool place and I know I will. I think there's there's interesting things like that that we all have that we think of course I don't have that as part of who I am just know but I know that future me will.
Unknown Speaker :[Theme music]
Richenda :So this is like the first time this question will ever have been asked for you on the podcast. How does it feel to be asked what is your object before actually going to?
Amalie :I think it's a little weird because I've never had to find an object of my own made me reflect on my own life a little bit, because I'm so used to, as you say, asking other people that question. But I think it's, it's I'm not, I think it's weird talking about yourself in a way that you're use to, like other people talking about their lives on the on the podcast, so. So yeah, I gave this a good think, because I, I, I thought that this this moment is, you know, a first. So I have brought, it's making a lot of sound because it's quite big. But it is a it's called a [model] stencil and I knitted it, I knitted it myself, I think like five or six years ago as part of the creativity, part of CAS, which was part of the IB programme. So I don't know if you know what the IB is. But it's this like international high school diploma that you can do. And because I have done most of my schooling in English, it made sense to do even though I was in Norway, as a Norwegian. And so I knitted this, I have been knitting my whole life, though. So this was kind of a cheap way to get out of creativity. It has-- it's blue, and then it has some white pattern. And then it has like a red neckline. I shamelessly wear this just too much in the wintertime. It's very thick, with very coarse yarn. And it's it's said to have like one of the most traditional Norwegian patterns like we have, we actually do have traditional costumes. But this one is kind of the the next--
Richenda :It looks really beautiful.
Amalie :Thank you. Um--
Richenda :It's like when you put it on yourself, does that feel almost like, like a cosy blanket or something? Right? Does it feel reassuring to wear it? Does that feel kind of like home now?
Amalie :Yes, I think that is exactly what it feels like. Because I have lived abroad a lot. So I think that I have I wear it a lot because it makes me feel connected to who I am and where I come from. So when I wore it around Edinburgh during the winter time, I felt just very, like myself in a way. In-- and it makes me feel happy. Because not only did I make it myself, it also has a very physical like it looks-- It has a very traditional look to it. And yeah, makes me reminds me of Norway in all the in all the good ways, reminds me of just kind of learning how to knit fr-- right? It reminds me for my grandma who taught me how to knit when I was very young, reminds me of, of just Norwegian weather, because it's usually pretty cold and rainy here. It reminds me of my family and kind of what it feels like when I am home. Because when I was a student and before that I wasn't home that much only during Christmas and sometimes during the summer. I think it Yeah, makes me makes me feel very in touch with where I come from, which is a nice feeling when you don't live in the country that you're from, I think.
Richenda :Yeah, yeah. It's like a point of attachment for you. You know, you said that your grand--. Are you thankful that she passed that on to you? Or is that something that you like, oh, it's just like a small feature of myself?
Amalie :Knitting is like, it's, it's, um, I remember when I came to Edinburgh and I moved in with friends and stuff, and they saw me knitting. It-- Like, I don't think I don't know if it's a thing among young people in the UK, but it is kind of more of a thing in Norway among young people. So I I'm very thankful that my grandma passed it on to me, because it's just the perfect past time when I'm watching Netflix, or when I'm hanging out with people because it's like it's productive, because the repetitive nature of knitting makes you feel calm and it reduces stress and for someone with a lot of anxiety, it's a way to keep my my hands occupied. And also, you get an end product that you can eventually wear which is quite nice. So it's really a win win.
Richenda :Yeah, because how long as it takes to that, say like that big jumper. How long?
Amalie :I don't think this one took me that long. I think it took me two? Two weeks.
Richenda :Oh, wow.
Amalie :It depends on it obviously, depends on how much time I have on my hands. You know, if if it's like a holiday, I think I knitted this during an Easter holiday, but I've been knitting a lot during quarantine, like so much, because I mean, what else is there to do? Really?
Richenda :But, yeah, and then how did it feel? So, so going on to a slightly different topic of conversation, you're a graduate of 2020.
Amalie :Yeah.
Richenda :And that means yeah, like quite a lot of people just had to leave in a bit of a hurry. So how did that feel? Sort of saying goodbye to Edinburgh in a rushed way.
Amalie :I think I've come to terms with it now. But it took a long time, because I, I, so back in March, I think it was around mid-March, Norway closed-- announced that, that it was closing its borders. And my parents called me and they have never really said anything with, with that much pressure before to me, they were like, we need you home. So then little child in me was like, ah, this is suddenly scary, you know, because at the time, the UK felt pretty normal. I remember sitting in the living room with my flatmates who I love so much and I've had a great time living with because I pretty much lived with four of my best friends and it was very very-- it was so great to just come home and always have a bunch of people to share your day with. Um and we were sitting in the living room and I, and I kind of knew that it was like my last day there but I thought it was temporary as well. I didn't really know how, how badly was going to go and I went back because my parents pretty much got me a ticket home the next day. So I pretty much just packed and then left. And my plan was to come back but then the UK shut down entirely. And yeah, and three or four months later I'm still here and I've had to process you know, finishing uni and I had to do that at home which was very difficult and to do my dissertation at home. Yeah it was definitely weird and and I and I never got-- I had all of these lasts I just didn't know they were my lasts. And there were-- there are so many friends that I have never really got to say goodbye to in person. But I think what also sucks but is kind of a sense of comfort is that we are all going through the same thing. So it's not like this is only my experience, we have all suffered from the situation and we've all had to adjust and say our goodbyes in unconventional ways. And I think that the that there is a level of comfort in that I was very sad when graduation was cancelled because you know for for the whole of uni you imagine the day that you're going to walk down McEwan Hall and then you know in a cap and gown and get your diploma, get your picture taken with all your friends and then go out and celebrate with both family that has travelled a long time or a lot-- a far-- a long way to see you do that and then with your friends and that didn't happen but it's fine, it's fine, because we're all in this together by morale-- what's what's the phrase that's been used we are all, we are in this together but you know apart. I wanted that to be smoother but--
Richenda :And do you reckon you'll ever be back to Edinburgh today do so if you don't you say those last time you visit places will you ever do that just as a sort of ceremonial like the last time you go to like your favourite coffee shop or whatever.
Amalie :I wanted to go back this summer but I feel like it's gonna be weird as well to see the Edinburgh that I know and love look completely different and feel entirely different. I think that that would be a weird experience and I kind of don't want it to taint my image of Edinburgh in a way but I will most definitely come back and sooner rather than later. But I don't really know when.
Unknown Speaker :[Theme music]
Richenda :The only thing that I think that I knew in advance that we have in common which is that you did stuff with FreshAir as well.
Amalie :Yeah.
Richenda :So for people listening FreshAir is Edinburgh's student radio station, which you probably say a lot as well.
Amalie :Yes definitely, I had a, I had a, I had a show with FreshAir for a year. So in third year, and with my best friend Hydra, and we had a show called Couple's Therapy, where we discussed a bunch of different topics. But it kind of turned into, like, just anything, like we didn't really have, we started off like planning our episodes and doing research and then, you know, having very structured episodes with music and, and, and chats and, and stuff like that. But then, once we progressed, we got so comfortable in that studio, that we kind of just like, let everything go and, and we're just-- it turned a little unprofessional after a while, but, um, but I really, really really enjoyed it.
Richenda :It's a really creative thing that you can do to have that are a long section of time. It's just yours to do whatever you want with.
Amalie :Yeah, what did you do?
Richenda :Um, so yeah, I did it with my best friend as well. Yeah, she's my best friend from home and we go to gigs and stuff a lot. So we both quite like, like the Scottish music scene's really interesting. So like clubs like our starting point a bit for it. So it was it was called Old New Borrowed Blue and we still do it. And we did it for yeah, like four or five years together.
Amalie :Oh wow.
Richenda :And yes, like each have like the phrase Old New Borrowed Blue as acategory. So we do like old music, new music, and then borrowed is foreign language music as well. And then blue is Scottish music, it was nice to have a talk about music and be able to pick apart so you don't I feel like you don't normally get the option to do to do that.
Amalie :What's been your favourite? What's your favourite concert memory?
Richenda :Um, I so I think one was. It was like, it was like, an album, I think was actually an EP launch for this one band, but it meant that they invited a lot of other sort of local bands along. And like some of them were like fairly big names now, in terms of like, in the Scottish music scene, at least I went with yeah, my best friend from home. And because she knows my family, we went with my sister as well, because she's quite into and we went in and it was, it wasn't a normal gig venue. It's like they'd rented out like a community hall or I think sometimes they also shadowed as a nursery and stuff. And it was just, it was bizarre to be there. And to be in that environment. It was packed full of people, that like knew the bands or really loved the bands, and you walked in, and it was the feeling of walking out of a plane in a really warm, humid country. And it was just this wall of it. And you're being in like Botanic Gardens, and it was it was steamy, and it was disgusting. Like, that was really gross. But it was the middle of summer. And it's also really fun. I just feel like that moment is one of those like, being young moments,
Amalie :I can feel it, I can feel the moment you're describing.
Richenda :But I think that's part of it, it's like stuff doesn't have to be perfect there. And I like the imperfections in it 'cause that's what makes it interesting. Yeah.
Amalie :What are, what are-- What are your expectations of Sharing things?
Richenda :Um, I think like, it been challenging almost as one of the ones because it is, I mean, it definitely, I felt calmer about it before when it was going to be in a studio, in my in my head, it's going to be in the studio. And then this all happened. And I think just the added barrier of it being like, yeah, we're in like a virtual or video studio essentially. Just now. And I think that's just, I don't know, it's a bit different, I think a bit more of a challenge, because it means I'm having to practice more skills than I would have. I think, as we've touched on before, in this episode, just learning new skills is really exciting, as well as it being challenging and scary. So I think it's a challenge plus exciting.
Amalie :Yeah, you're doing, you're doing great.
Richenda :Thank you.
Amalie :I believe in you.
Richenda :One other thing, or another thing that I would like to talk about, which is student politics, because I know you get involved in that a lot. But I don't ever feel like I have the opportunity to talk somebody that does anything related to student politics, because I feel that they're kind of this other. They're this person on posters or whatever. What is it like to be involved in that?
Amalie :I don't think the people who are on posters want students to feel that way. Feel that way you just described that you feel about student politics.
Richenda :Mmhmm
Amalie :I, I think that there's definitely a lot more to do about how, like how how students relate to to kind of the student politicians, because they shouldn't just be people on the posters who no-one, who people view as this like distant other thing. So I think that that is definitely I think that is the thing that I've also noticed about working in student politics, that it's hard to engage people. It's hard to kind of, yeah, it's hard to involve people in and making student politics feel accessible to the other students that aren't like that aren't coming to uni as you know, as involved in politics.
Richenda :Hmm.
Amalie :So I think that you, you pretty much nailed it on the head there, how it is working in student politics, but I genuinely, really enjoyed it. I worked as the facilitator of Student Council for two years, and I had a great time doing it. But it was a very scary thing at first. And again, it relates back to what we said about like learning new skills and putting yourself out there because I hated public speaking before I started that job. And I would have never applied for, for Sharing things if I hadn't done that job. Because I hated having presentations in class, I was not a con-- I was, obviously I've spoken English most of my life, but I wasn't a confident English speaker as well. And, and I never thought that there would be a place for me as an English-as-a-second-language person in, in a in a space like that. So it was a very rewarding experience. Because I was I was genuinely very surprised when I got the job. And it was in the job itself and me applying to the job was prompted by the fact that I wanted to do something other than customer service, because I wanted to, to gain some new skills. So I applied and I got it and I wasn't even sure at the time what it was it said Student Council facilitator, but I thought I was going to be more of and this is obviously on me for not really realising the role was - oops. But but I, I thought I thought I was going to be some, like an assistant to student council rather than the actual, like facilitator and the person leading the meetings. Therefore when I was, you know, when when little me was, you know, sent on, on stage to, you know, lead this meeting, I was like, What am I done? What have I done, I have ruined my own life, I want to, you know, just take my grave right here, and I will gladly lay in it. And, yeah, so it was very difficult at first because I hated my job, because I hated the actual talking part, you know, I grew more confident I learnt the ins and the outs and the regulations. And I knew how steering council worked. And I learnt to become more assertive. And I got more comfortable on stage. Speaking into a microphone, I learned how to kind of tell people that things are not okay to do when a in a respectful manner, but also in front of an audience, which was very interesting. And I just felt myself grow as a person as as I was doing this. So it was it was very, it was a very fun role in student politics because I was on the sidelines of the actual politics part. But I still witnessed all of it. And I was still involved, just kind of behind the scenes, but also just in the front lines, since in some ways.
Unknown Speaker :[Theme music]
Amalie :Yeah, we should probably wrap it up.
Richenda :It's like the final sort of handing over the baton as well. Saying goodbye to Sharing things. Who does that feel?
Amalie :It feels weird. I gotta stop saying weird. It feels. It's a little. What's the word? It's a little bittersweet. I because it's been such a great learning experience for me, both in terms of my personal life, but also my professional life. And I couldn't thank, you know, the alumni department enough for giving me this opportunity. Because I've grown so much as a person I've learned so much about where I want to take my life in terms of my career. And I have met so many great people as I as I've already mentioned. And, and yeah, it's a little and that's why it's kind of bittersweet, because it's been such a great experience. And I'm sad to let it go. But I also know that I have all the lessons I've learned are gonna, you know, take my life to a to a different place that's hopefully going to be good and as and give me experiences that are also going to be as as rewarding as as this experience. And I'm so happy that you also get to experience this and learn as I did, and it's going to be great to see where it's going to be so exciting to see where you take-- take the podcast next.
Richenda :Ooh and before we forget as well, the one final question that we always ask on Sharing things. So what words would you associate with your object?
Amalie :Wow.
Richenda :Can't belive I almost forgot that.
Amalie :Almost forgot! Ooh I would say home is the kind of obvious answer. But--
Richenda :That's nice though.
Amalie :A thing that reminds me of home whenever I look at it, whenever I see it, and just the look of it itself is just, it's it's just Norway. So it's, it's like, I can bring it with me wherever I go next. And wherever I live next, and whenever I wear it, I'm just gonna feel very in touch with my roots.
Richenda :Hmm, it's nice. It's a nice constant for you as well, that will go wherever you go.
Amalie :Yeah, what about you?
Richenda :Um, I think just looking at it now, like thinking about the reasons I even chose to bring along like a lot of the words that come to mind, I think it's just learning, I think it was learning about myself, and that I could be confident and I could push myself to be in an environment I'm completely unused to and don't feel like I belong in, but that I can-- that you can, then you can thrive there. So I think it's learning that and then just basic things like learning a new skill and learning from other people as well, because I think the people on that team are so lovely and are so willing to teach you and to learn alongside us as well. And I think that's, I think it's learning. And I think that it's one of those objects I can look at and I can think that'll fuel me in future moments. Just thinking about that the cow and all that I can learn something new, even if it seems impossible.
Amalie :Yes, you can.
Richenda :Positivity. Empowerment. Yes.
Amalie :Right. That is-- I think that's it.
Richenda :Awesome
Unknown Speaker :[Theme music]
Richenda :Thank you for listening to Sharing things and we wish Amalie all the best in her next adventure. So if you'd like to listen to more episodes, you can find us on Spotify, iTunes or your favourite podcast platform. Keep an ear out for season three of Sharing things and see you then!
Unknown Speaker :[clapping and music fading] Transcribed by https://otter.ai